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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence : A best no:1 modern approach

Artificial Intelligence

There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an immense domain and equally no arguments against the fact that this is an extensive work. The authors have attempted to map and present the entire spectrum of the field which includes but is not limited to – logic and probabilistic theories, perception how-to, reasoning, learning and action performance , as well as from the realm of microelectronics to a planetary exploration robotic device. Further, the book is also extensive since we do dig in a little.

One of the subtitles of the book that would conjugate its content into a single word would be “A Modern Approach”. What the authors would mean by this rather vague phrase, the authors wish to draw the picture as it is and not have to try to provide a history of all the angles of AI.

As you know, the technology is enhancing day by day and people are growing with very high speed. Nowadays, AI has been entered in the technology.

This is a big advancement in the growing field for all of us. Artificial intelligence is one of the best fields about which you must have enough knowledge to be successful in the near future.

Authors of this book:

Stuart Russell: There are 100 pages in artificial intelligence written by Stuart Russell.

Peter Norvig: He was a professor at the University of Southern California. He was also a research faculty member at Berkeley.

Book Details:

Category: Artificial Intelligence
Edition: 3rd
Format: B/W
Language: English
Pages: 1151
Type: Technology Textbook / Reference

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Artificial Intelligence(ai)


I Artificial Intelligence

    1 Introduction
    2 Intelligent Agents

II Problem-solving

  3 Solving Problems by Searching
    4 Search in Complex Environments
    5 Adversarial Search and Games
    6 Constraint Satisfaction Problems

III Knowledge, reasoning, and planning

7 Logical Agents
    8 First-Order Logic
    9 Inference in First-Order Logic
    10 Knowledge Representation
    11 Automated Planning

IV Uncertain knowledge and reasoning

    12 Quantifying Uncertainty
    13 Probabilistic Reasoning
    14 Probabilistic Reasoning over Time
    15 Probabilistic Programming
    16 Making Simple Decisions
    17 Making Complex Decisions
    18 Multi-agent Decision Making

V Machine Learning

19 Learning from Examples
    20 Learning Probabilistic Models
    21 Deep Learning
    22 Reinforcement Learning

VI Communicating, perceiving, and acting

23 Natural Language Processing
    24 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
    25 Computer Vision
    26 Robotics

VII Conclusions

 27 Philosophy, Ethics, and Safety of AI

28 The Future of AI
    Appendix A: Mathematical Background
    Appendix B: Notes on Languages and Algorithms


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Textbooks Artificial Intelligence : A best no:1 modern approach

Artificial Intelligence